Laser-Like Focus

Laser-Like Focus

#27Rhinos, a RhinoIsland Media brand, is about one thing: Resort Destinations. What does that look like? Marketing solutions for Hospitality businesses to profitably ring the cash registers.

The 5Ps of Marketing

In college one of the very few "B" letter grades I received was in Marketing. Kent State taught the classic 4Ps model that is close, but not sufficient. Coming out of an advertising sales position for a local daily newspaper it was obvious that 4Ps were insufficient but also lacking a singular focus. FYI: I graduated with a 3.8GPA.

Enter Eli Goldratt

The father of the Theory of Constraints (TOC) taught me exactly what was missing: A basic understanding of Marketing at the macro level.

He went on to say that Advertising was spreading corn on the shores of a lake for the ducks to see, come and land, and eat the corn...and that Selling was shooting those sitting ducks! (Yes, illegal in most states)

Furthermore, if you get everything just right, it is as if the ducks have glue on their feet and cannot fly away. This detailed analogy packs a lot of insight you will not get from most colleges or universities.

Most of the time when business owners reach out saying, "Help me market my business," they really mean help me get the word out. #ouch

Do they even know what PRODUCTS people will buy? At what PRICE they pay, or what PROMOTIONS are needed? Or where it should be PLACED? Have they ever heard of Seth Godin's fifth "P" ... the PURPLE Cow? Does this make any sense?

Now What

One hidden gem in Goldratt's insight is the word "figuring" as in taking action to determine what really works. In this case, corn.

Do you know what your "ducks" like and that for which they will pay real money?

If you and your resort destination business are in Ohio or South Carolina and your gross annual sales are less than $20MM, help disrupting your marketplace is a simple text message away. Honest.

What if together we could 10X your profit in just 90 days?


P.S. Yes, I have done it before and I am willing to teach you how.


#hospitality #disruption w/ #theSKIman & #27Rhinos


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